I‘m looking into what it takes to attract sponsors for myself and another one of our connections. And realizing I can turn Evan Carmichael’s list into a step by step process to attracting sponsorship on Instagram..
As reluctant as I am about social media, it’s just a fact of life that’s where the action is right now. Hopefully with this information, I can attract sponsors for Indepth Perspectives, attract connections and connectors to Rhapsodic Global as well as donors.
I also want to help my friend with a nice promotional piece to showcase his talents. One of the benefits to posting this video here is that we can all listen to it without commercials, and with the pop out browser that is usually unavailable. Have a nice listen, and please interact with this post or share any post from or about our network to your social media!
Stay tuned for the ig following playbook, my plan is to test out my theory with @RhapsodicGlobal which at the moment has 33 followers and 2 post.
and @indepth_perspectives which has 25 followers and 5 post.